Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Evil, Vile Text

So directly after work, fuckwit texts me.  Tells me to lose his number, gladly.  However, if he follows his usaul pattern, he will be calling in a few days.  Sod him.  So, I went to the gym and kicked the heavy bag and punched the spped bag for a while, it was awesome, just imagined his stupid face. As far as I'm concerned we are SO DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a positive note, word has begun to circulate that I am back on the market.  A very nice guy I met a few months back who was crushing on me called and asked me for coffee as one of my friends told him that I am free, so we are meeting on Saturday. On the megetive side, missed the stupid bank and I need to cash a check.  Must make sure that I make the bank directly after work tomorrow.

Also after the gym I blasted some loud fun music, now back to Bridget Jones. cooking chicken, going to make my bed and put away two weeks worth of wash. and hit the hay early, but not until I call my BFF.

I think I am moving onto acceptance, but will still be angry, only cried a bit after my students left.  another positive is phone is put away and and on silent.  THank God for my wonderful students. Loving my new school year. :)

Yet again another video.  This is how DB feels about me, but who the FUCK CARES LOL

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